Официальный дистрибьютор в Кыргызстане немецкой компании Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH - производителя масел и смазок под торговой маркой "Ravenol".
Тел.: +996 555771513,
email: info@ravenol.kg

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is heat-transfer oil based on selected, refined base oils with good thermal stability, a good resistance to oxidisation that causes low precipitation in the installation and has inhibitors against corrosion.

Application Notes

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is suitable for use as heat-transfer medium in closed circulating type heat-transfer systems, which work with indirect heating and high temperatures (above 100 °C).

Up till 300 °C the system will function without an inert type of gas. When the bulk oil temperature comes between 300 °C and 320 °C there has to be a slight overpressure of an inert type of gas.


RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is a heat transfer oil with good anti-corrosion properties and excellent aging resistance. The thermal application limits are between film layer temperatures of – 5 and + 270 °C. As with all heat transfer oils, please ensure that the oil does not come into contact with the air since oxygen accelerates the aging process.

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is heat-transfer oil based on selected, refined base oils with good thermal stability, a good resistance to oxidisation that causes low precipitation in the installation and has inhibitors against corrosion.

Application Notes

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is suitable for use as heat-transfer medium in closed circulating type heat-transfer systems, which work with indirect heating and high temperatures (above 100 °C).

Up till 300 °C the system will function without an inert type of gas. When the bulk oil temperature comes between 300 °C and 320 °C there has to be a slight overpressure of an inert type of gas.


RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32 is a heat transfer oil with good anti-corrosion properties and excellent aging resistance. The thermal application limits are between film layer temperatures of – 5 and + 270 °C. As with all heat transfer oils, please ensure that the oil does not come into contact with the air since oxygen accelerates the aging process.

Characteristics Unit Data Audit
Density at 20°C kg/m³ 854 EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 33,4 DIN 51 562
Viscosity index VI 121 DIN 51 562
Flash point (COC) °C 238 DIN ISO 2592
Pourpoint °C -30 DIN ISO 3016

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

RAVENOL Wärmeträgeroel 32

Артикул: 1330210

20L | 1330210-020

208L | 1330210-208